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Compressed File                            

 Compressing files allows you to keep files on your disk in
 a format that takes up much less space than usual. The files
 are still easy to access - you just decompress them before
 using them.
 With Commander 4.0 you now have the ability to handle
 compressed files in panels, just like normal directory panels.

 Compressed File Panels
  Once you have created a compressed file, it's easy to forget
  what files it contains. You can easily view the contents
  of a compressed file by opening a Compress File Window.
  Highlight the file you wish to open.
  Choose Compressed File from the Left or Right panels.
  The compressed file is now opened just like a standard panel.
  The title bar will change to say that the file is a
  compressed one. It will look something like...

   +--------- C:\ --------++--- Zip:Mycomp.zip\ ---+

  This new panel can now be used just like any other. You can
  copy files out or into the compressed file.
  This way you do not have to decompress an entire file simply
  to access one file.
  You can also delete files from the compressed files drive
  panel. You cannot however, view the contents of any files
  in a compressed file, or execute any applications. Files
  must be taken out of the compressed file first.

 ALT + F5   Compress Files
  This option will compress files for you. Highlight the files
  you want to compress and then select this option.
  The Compress dialog box appears. Enter the name of the file
  that you want the selected files compressed to.
  Once selected each file in turn will be compressed into the
  filename given.
  When compressing files you also have the option to delete
  the original files after compressing them.

 ALT + F6   Decompress Files
  To decompress files you select this option. This will
  extract the files from your compressed file ready for use.
  Highlight the file you want to decompress and select
  decompress. The decompress dialog box appears.
  You can decompress files to the current directory or to
  another directory if you wish. If you want to decompress
  any sub directories tick the Include sub directories box.
  Your files will then be decompressed for you.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson